UCLA Integrative Biology & Physiology Presents:
Stephen Huston, Ph.D.
“Turning vision in movement: Drosophila gaze-stabilization as a model for sensorimotor control”
How does the brain generate behavior? At its most basic level behavior arises from the complex interaction of the brain’s sensory and motor systems. I will talk about my work to understand the neural basis of this interaction using fly gaze stabilization as a model system where we can perturb single, identified neurons while the fly performs visually-guided behaviors. I will discuss our findings on how information is transformed between sensory and motor neurons, how motor neuron activity plays out through neural feedback loops to generate movements of the animal, and how visual and proprioceptive inputs combine to enable the brain to choose amongst multiple different motor outputs.
Thursday, June 3, 2021
12 Noon
Via Zoom
Meeting ID: 944 3059 8494
Passcode: 335115