UCLA Molecular Biology Institute
Tuesday Faculty Research Seminar Series
“Tales from the cold—metabolic adaptations that promote thermogenesis”
For Faculty Only
ZOOM – Please contact Nadia for Zoom information
Contact: Nadia Avila—mbiasst@lifesci.ucla.edu
Abstract: How do endotherms generate heat in response to the cold? One mechanism is through non-shivering thermogenesis in brown and beige fat cells. Out lab is interested in understanding the transcriptional pathways that govern metabolic control to drive thermogenesis. The metabolic mechanisms that promote thermogenesis in brown fat relies in part on internal and peripheral sources of energy. Metabolomic and gene expression analysis during cold exposure suggest a reliance on pyruvate and lipid metabolism. Here we will discuss the metabolic adaptations that mammals undertake to respond to the cold and how activating these pathways may be used to treat metabolic disorders like diabetes.